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Straw Bale Garden Life Cycle

I love the versatility of using straw in the vegetable garden. The benefits of strawbale gardening are many as seen here . Perhaps my favorite is the mulch by-product straw provides.

Originally used as an alternative to sod busting to make way for vegetables and flowers, I tried Strawbale gardening and have been in love ever since.

Each spring I get a few fresh tight bales and plant directly in the bale. Learn how to prepare straw bales for planting

After the harvest, I break the bales down with a pitchfork and use them to cover my beds for the winter and protect perennials such as strawberries and asparagus.

I like to strategically scatter the bales around my property. The bale naturally kills the grass underneath and decomposes to create a new flower bed for next year.

This watermelon trails off the bale

During the summer, straw is a great way to control weeds and grass. And bunnies find it cozy too!

Using straw as a winter mulch helps protect the soil and adds nutrients as it decomposes.

Using straw may not be for everyone, it's a bit unkempt with a country aesthetic, which suits this country girl in the city, just fine.

Sheri Kaz is an avid gardener, writer and interior designer.

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