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Sheri K

Top 7 reasons to Straw Bale Garden

Whoever thought about planting in a straw bale? Brilliant!

Here are the benefits of using straw instead of soil.

1. Picking height. Its so easy to maintain and harvest. No more crawling on the ground trying to find beans. It's great for people with disabilities or elderly gardeners.

2. Weed free. Put cardboard under your bales and you'll never have to weed again.

3. Critter resistant. Bunnies won't climb a 2 foot bale.

4. Lightweight compared to bags of potting mix. Just be sure to place your bales before they get wet.

5. No waste. Natural compost/mulch. Second year bales can be compressed and replanted or you can use the straw for mulch or compost.

6. Retains water.

7. No dig gardening. My favorite reason!

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