I love rosemary, as a bush, a houseplant and of course as a favorite spice.
Giving your rosemary plant a nice petting and inhaling her healing aroma is a sensory pleasure.
But trying to keep a rosemary plant alive indoors has been a challenge. I would love to keep her on my kitchen counter, but the natural light is minimal.
This Lavender plant was a success all summer long outdoors, I brought her indoors for the winter with an East facing picture window. Despite the spindly new growth,it appears it isn't working for her. Would wintering her in the basement work? I'll keep you posted.
As I have moved to from the West to the Midwest, I don't trust that either of these plants would survive a winter in the ground. Chances are, they won't survive in my basement either.
When I moved from Colorado 2 years ago at Christmas time, I kept a chunk of my Grandmothers iris in a pot, it lived in southern exposure window.
Much to my amazement, she bloomed in February. I put her in the basement after the flower faded and planted her in the ground in the spring. She struggled to take hold that summer and didn't bloom in the 2nd year either. I'm hopeful the 3rd year will be a charm.
Plants are amazing! Thanks for the wonderful read! :)